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Friday, April 8, 2011

Free Purple Wedding Invitation Template

Click the link below to download the free printable wedding invitations template 

This free purple wedding invite has a subtle intertwining vine motif that is designed to be used horizontally. But you could also turn it on its side and use it vertically. If you do, I would advise using the left edge as the top.

Download the Invitation

This blank invitation template obviously doesn't have any wording or lines to write information, because the idea is that you would add your own text in a word processing or graphics program. Because of that, this design could also be used for housewarming, birthday party or anniversary invitations, or for virtually any other type of party you can think of.

For full instructions to make this design, please visit my printable wedding invitations hub by clicking the link in this sentence or the Instructions link below. There are many other wedding announcement templates on that page, along with many variations of wedding and commitment ceremony text.


I hope you find this free template helpful. Make sure to see the sidebar for more free printables!

browse all artwork on this site

Terms: Please don't post this template on your site, unless it's too small to use as a printed invitation. If you do post a small image, please link to this post near it. Thank you in advance for honoring these terms!

Please note: Amazon affiliate links are used in the sidebar, which means I will be paid a commission if anything is purchased through them. This doesn't increase what you pay if you buy anything though. I only recommend products that I genuinely think are helpful.

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