Scroll down and click the link below for the free printable movie flyer templates

This free movie night template comes in three variations to give you all kinds of flexibility. There are two movie night backgrounds and one movie theme party invitation with lines to write your information. (Scroll down below the download link to see all three versions and some tips for how to use them.) You can use any of these for an at-home cinema night, of course, but they would also make great movie theater birthday invitations.
These designs also come with free printable popcorn cupcake wrappers, which you can download from my Party Planning Center blog.
These designs also come with free printable popcorn cupcake wrappers, which you can download from my Party Planning Center blog.
Download the Movie Flyer Templates
The two free printable movie night flyers and the cinema party invitation come in the form of .jpgs in a zip file. Just download the zip file from the link above, unzip it and save the images to your hard drive. If you need zip software, 7Zip is free and open source.
Tips for Using the Free Movie Night Templates
There are a variety of methods you can use to incorporate these movie night backgrounds into posters, flyers or invitations. The image below gives them in brief but I've provided more detail below them if you want more specific instructions and additional methods.
The art has been sized to 5" x 7", since that's a standard size. But it can be printed proportionally to whatever size you want. When sizing, be sure to pull from the corner of the .jpg, not the sides or top. That will change the size proportionally and keep it from distorting the dimensions and therefore the graphics themselves.
How to Make a Movie Night Flyer Word Template
Although not necessarily the most flexible of graphics program options, Microsoft Word, plus one of these movie night backgrounds, can be used to create flyers, mini posters or invitations. Here are some tips for using Microsoft Word 2010 to create the artwork:
- Use the Insert > Picture feature to add one of the three images to a Word document. To size it, turn on the View > Ruler so you can see the rulers on the side and top of the document. (The Ruler feature is selected using a checkbox.) To make sizing the .jpg simple, choose to position the .jpg flush left using the three settings (flush left, centered and flush right) at the top of the document. If you then scroll up so the artwork is right near the ruler at the top, you can easily tell what width it is. If you're going for 5" x 7" exactly, this is how you will be able to tell if the size is correct.
- Once you have the size you want, you can add text boxes by using Insert > Textbox. You can use any font you have on your computer and any color, just as if you were typing text into a Word document without a text box. Be aware that Word puts a line around a new text box and also fills it with a white background, so you'll need to remove those. To do so, click Format > Shape Fill and then click the box next to No Fill, and then click Format > Shape Outline and click on No Shape.
- You can move text boxes around with your mouse but they are sometimes hard to grab onto. For this reason, you might want to leave the shape outlines on until you're done adding all your text and arranging it. Just be sure to remove them when you're through.
- Once you like the way the art looks, you can use your computer's printer to print the word document. I prefer to print on presentation paper but you can also use plain card stock.
How to Make a Movie Poster, Flyer or Invitation in Photoshop or Other Graphics Programs
See the bottom of this section for links to free graphics software programs.
Photoshop and similar programs work by using layers. This means you would put one of the templates I've provided as your base layer and any text or other images on top of it. Here are some tips for using one of these types of programs to make flyers, posters or invitations:
- Before making any modifications, open one of the three images I've provided in Photoshop or another graphics program and save it as a graphics file, as opposed to a .jpg. In Photoshop, this type of file is called a .PSD. Saving the file before you begin modifications will keep you from saving it as a .jpg as you go along, which would mean that you would no longer be able to alter it. In other words, if you do a little bit of work on the .jpg version and save it, you won't be able to move the elements you've already put in place. But with a .PSD, or whatever the equivalent is in the graphics program you use, you can modify to your heart's content and then save the file as a .jpg when you're done.
- Using the dropper or color picker feature in your graphics program, choose one of the colors in the top part of the artwork and use that for the text. I actually used the teal color and then just made it a bit darker for the samples above. The key is to just make sure whatever you choose is readable on the pink background.
- If you want to add graphics like I did to the Little Mermaid flyer above, you'll get much better results if you use .PNG graphics that have transparent backgrounds. You'll find lots of .jpg art when you look but they won't have transparent backgrounds because .jpgs don't have the capability to be transparent.
- Once the art is finished, it can be printed straight from Photoshop or placed into Microsoft Word or another word processing program for printing.
I use Photoshop Elements to create all my graphics because it's easy to use and not too expensive. I also use Photoshop CC, which is the full version that's only available as an online subscription, when I need to create high-end print work for clients. But I hate it. The difference between Photoshop Elements and Photoshop CC is like the difference between riding a bike and flying the space shuttle. Apparently, I'm not configured for space travel. So I stick with Photoshop Elements. I realize that everyone doesn't want to pay for software, though, especially if it's only used infrequently. So here are two different sources for free graphics programs: The Best Free Graphic Design Software for 2019 and Five Free Image Editing Programs.
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Credits: Thanks to Pretty Grafik for the cute images used in these free printable movie night flyers and invitations. See the disclosure below about this link.
Terms: This art is for your personal use only. Please see our easy-to-follow terms if you would like to link to this page. You may use the images at the bottom of this post to link to us.
Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Affiliate (Amazon and Creative Pretty Grafik) links are used in this post and in the sidebar, which means we will be paid a small commission if anything is purchased through them. This doesn't increase the amount you pay if you buy anything.
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